October 2022

October 2022

Letter From the Co-Chairs

Dear Members,

Excitement is building as the date draws near for our first ever ceremony before the full bench of United States Supreme Court. Ten openly transgender and gender nonconforming attorneys will be admitted to the Supreme Court Bar. The NTBA is planning a social event ahead of the November 30th admission ceremony and induction will take place minutes before the kickoff of the Victory Institute’s 38th Annual International LGBTQ Leaders Conference in Washington DC.

Making sure that all the justices see the diversity and talent of attorneys who are transgender is just one of the ways we’re working to spread the message that there is no reason to permit any form of discrimination against trans and gender non conforming individuals.  We see the induction as an event that should be held annually, so look for applications to join next year’s group of inductees. 

We’re also developing new initiatives in mentoring, as law students and new attorneys look to the NTBA for assistance in career development and we invite you to join in that effort too. 

Finally, be on the lookout for applications to join our Board in this work. That will be ahead in the coming months, as we recognize that we can’t stop, and won’t stop, in the drive for equality.

Warmest Regards,

Kristen Browde,

Chair For the NTBA Board