Congratulations Taylor Brown
Congratulations Taylor Brown
A judge has ordered the US Bureau of Prisons to find a surgeon to perform transgender inmate, Cristina Nichole Iglesias’ gender-affirming surgery, by December.
Cristina’s long fight was aided by her legal team which included NTBA Board member, Taylor Brown of the National ACLU LGBT & HIV Project.
The ACLU put out a statement applauding, “Ashley Diamond and her counsel at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)” for the victory. Cristina said in a statement ,
“I am hopeful that I will finally get the care I need to live my life fully as the woman I am.”
NTBA would like to congratulate Cristina Iglesias, Board member Taylor Brown, of the National ACLU LGBT & HIV Project, and the rest of Cristina’s legal team on their victory against the US Bureau of Prisons (BOP).
Taylor recently said on an episode of, Talking Liberties,
“Being in impact litigation our resources are limited, and our project is focused on the most vulnerable members of our community and that’s trans people and people of color, and so in my mind, that’s where our resources need to be devoted and unfortunately a large population are in prison and we need to uphold their rights, just as we would uphold anyone else’s rights. ”