Take Action to Protect Trans Youth

This spring, we’ve seen approximately 500 anti-LGBTQIA+ pieces of legislation introduced in state legislatures around the country, including H.R. 734. HR 734 would exclude transgender, non-binary, and intersex youth from playing sports with their friends and undermine civil rights for all students.
These pieces of legislation are a blatant attempt to marginalize, discriminate against, and harm trans and non-binary youth and adolescents – and the results are not only harmful but life-threatening. Most of these proposals target transgender youths by attempting to limit their ability to play on sports teams or, even worse, access gender-affirming medical treatment.
Let’s remind Congress that transgender children are children. They deserve to play sports and have access to medically necessary care like all children. These bills are cruel and harmful, and our community, including the parents of these youth, will not stand by as discriminatory legislation is introduced on a mass scale.