New York Confirms Nation’s First Transgender Man as Judge

New York Confirms Nation’s First Transgender Man as Judge

NTBA applauds the confirmation of Seth Marnin, who will serve on the New York State Court of Claims. Marnin is the first out trans man to hold any judge’s office in the United States. Two transgender women, Andi Mudryk and Victoria Kolakowski, serve as judges in California.

Marnin currently serves at Columbia University as the Director of Training & Education, Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action. It was not so long ago that a trans person becoming a judge was unimaginable. In a written statement to Gay City News, Marnin says,

I hope my nomination and service inspires young trans people and that I can serve as a role model

Join us in congratulating Seth Marnin on this historic achievement and in championing progress towards a more inclusive future!