Letter From the Board
I write to you with my reflections on the past month, which has been spent largely in movement work and reflecting on the result of this most recent election, and…
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I write to you with my reflections on the past month, which has been spent largely in movement work and reflecting on the result of this most recent election, and…
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It’s a difficult day for our community. It may be a truism to say that we’ve been living through difficult days for a while. Many of us on the Board…
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This September, I had the honor of speaking at the first Gender Liberation March in Washington, D.C. The march was a project of the Gender Liberation Movement, a coalition that…
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As one of hundreds of trans and non-binary people joining together on August 24 for the National Trans Visibility March, I couldn’t help but feel emotional. We marched in solidarity…
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Pride in Action: A Journey of Advocacy and Celebration My birthday is at the end of May and this year I turned 63. I always try to take some time…
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A la Comunidad de la NTBA: Hemos estado creciendo mucho aquí en la NTBA. Hemos dado la bienvenida a nuevos miembros a nuestra Junta, hemos estado explorando nuevas formas de...
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La NTBA está de luto por la pérdida de Cecilia Gentili. Ella era una parte fundamental de nuestra comunidad y nos ha llevado a muchos de nosotros a mejorar nuestro trabajo por los derechos de las personas trans. Ella...
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Carta de los Copresidentes A nuestra Comunidad NTBA: Septiembre está aquí, y con él llega un nuevo año académico para los estudiantes de derecho de nuestros miembros, y nuevos comienzos...
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