NTBA Announces Deadline for 2023 SCOTUS Group Ceremony

The deadline for NTBA’s 2023 SCOTUS group admissions ceremony is June 30, 2023. Apply now to be part of the next group of NTBA members to be admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court.
Our first group admissions ceremony, in January, in which the first ever cohort of 12 transgender attorneys stood before the full U.S. Supreme Court bench and was sworn in, was a widely heralded success and a much needed piece of good news amidst the many state level attempts to legislate the erasure of transgender Americans. So we’re doing it again!
On December 6, 2023 we will again bring 12 transgender attorneys from across the nation before the Court to be sworn in, a powerful statement showing that we are an important part of the legal system.
You must be admitted to the practice of law in your home state for a minimum of three years. You must be able to appear in Washington DC early in the morning of December 6, 2023. Please fill out an application for admission to practice and submit by the deadline of June 30, 2023. The fee for admission to the Supreme Court Bar is $200.00, and the admission is lifetime.
Snail mail the application (wet signatures are required) along with a post dated check (December 6, 2023) made out to the U.S. Supreme Court to:
Kristen Browde
Browde Law, P.C.,
888 Biscayne Blvd. #2401
Miami FL 33132
If you need assistance with the $200.00 fee please let the NTBA know. In the past we have helped those members who need such assistance. In the past the NTBA has paid the admission fee for those in financial need.
When filing out the application for admission to practice form DO NOT worry about the two sponsors mentioned in the application form – we will provide them.