NTBA Welcomes New Board Member: Beck Zucker

NTBA is thrilled to welcome our newest Board member, Beck Zucker. Beck Zucker joins the Board after being a member since the NTBA’s founding in 2019. He currently clerks at the Appellate Division, First Department in Manhattan, and previously worked as an eviction defense attorney at The Legal Aid Society Bronx Neighborhood Office. Beck is also a board member of Miss Major Middle School, a proposed tuition-free public charter school for transgender and allied children and families in New York City. He received his bachelor’s from The Ohio State University and his J.D. from The George Washington University Law School. At GW Law, he was co-chair of Lambda Law, where he worked with faculty and staff to improve transgender students’ experiences during law school. Beck’s note on barriers to transgender veterans accessing gender affirming care was published in GW Law’s Federal Circuit Bar Journal. In his spare time, he enjoys long distance running and teaching his dog new tricks.