Next U.S. Supreme Court Bar Admissions Ceremony Set for December 2024
Now is the time to decide if you’d like to be part of the NTBA’s next cohort of attorneys admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. The NTBA’s third annual ceremony before the full bench of the Supreme Court has been scheduled for the morning of December 3, 2024. At that time the NTBA will move the admission to the Supreme Court Bar of 12 attorneys who are transgender. There are important deadlines that have to be met, so if you’re an attorney who has been admitted in your state for at least three years, please read below!
These ceremonies have not just elevated the visibility of the NTBA, they serve the important purpose of reminding the justices, in a direct and personal way, that their decisions affect not just people they don’t see, but people who are just like the justices themselves, practitioners who may well be appearing in cases in the Supreme Court.
For the third year in a row, the National Trans Bar Association will move the admission to the United States Supreme Court Bar of 12 attorneys who are transgender, in an in person ceremony before the full bench of the Supreme Court in a session at the Court in Washington DC on the morning of December 3, 2024. These ceremonies have not just elevated the visibility of the NTBA, they serve the important purpose of reminding the justices, in a direct and personal way, that their decisions affect not just people they don’t see, but people who are just like the justices themselves, practitioners who may well be appearing in cases in the Supreme Court.
In the first year, our ceremony seemed to surprise several of the justices. This past December, even Clarence Thomas looked up with curiosity, while Justice Alito, for a second year, seemed more than a little unhappy.
The requirements to be part of this third cohort are simple: you must be a member of the National Trans Bar Association, in good standing in the highest court of the state in which you are admitted, with at least three years having passed since your first admission to practice law. There is a one time $200.00 fee payable to the Court for admission. And, of course, you have to be able to travel to Washington D.C. for the early morning ceremony.
The NTBA has sponsored a social event in Washington the evening before each ceremony, with a special guest speaker each year – a member of the LGBTQ Congressional Caucus.
If you want to be part of the 2024 cohort, please contact Kristen Browde at your earliest convenience. ( There’s paperwork to be done, and the process on our end can take a while.