May 2022

Letter From the Co-Chairs
Dear Members,
It would be easy to become disheartened with right wing forces pushing anti-trans and pro-bigotry bills, through gerrymandered state legislatures at a record pace. Those of us who identify as transgender, justifiably, feel very much under attack. Our response, as the National Trans Bar Association, is to work even harder. Not just to litigate against and otherwise resist the bigotry, but to continue to advance toward full equality.
We do this by doubling down on our mentorship program, bringing up the new generation of TGNC law students and helping new lawyers as they start their careers. We continue to provide fellowship and an exchange of best practices in conferences like the upcoming Lavendar Law conference, this summer, in Los Angeles. We will be apart of the Transgender Law Institute happening on the final day of the conference.
Furthermore, we do this by remaining visible in courtrooms and communities nationwide, culminating in what will be the first ever swearing in of a dozen transgender attorneys, who will be admitted to the bar of the United States Supreme Court. The ceremony is to be held on November 30, 2022 before the full U.S. Supreme Court bench.
Finally, we do this through recognizing that our struggles are intersectional. The leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade, has led to newly expanded allyship in fight for body autonomy – particularly with Planned Parenthood, which is becoming a significant provider of trans related medical care.
As co-chairs, along with the newly expanded board of the National Trans Bar Association, it is our honor to help drive this progress forward. We’re delighted to see a steady stream of new members and new supporters of the organization, because, through our increasing numbers, we know that the effort becomes not just easier on the individuals involved but much harder for others to ignore or resist.
“Can’t stop, won’t stop,” has to remain our motto. We’re glad you’re here to keep us strong.
Warmest Regards,
Kristen Browde and Lucas Cameron-Vaughn
Co-Chairs, National Trans Bar Association