Help Us Select a Date for Virtual Trans Law Institute “Part Two”

This year, in addition to the Trans Law Institute taking place on the morning of August 7 of the National LGBT Bar Association’s Lavender Law Conference in Washington D.C. (register now!), the NTBA will be planning “TLI Part Two,” which the the National LGBT Bar Association will host for us virtually. The focus of this four-hour virtual session will be on discussing some “Recommendations for the Field” that NTBA and the other members of the Trans Rights Convening will have created. You may recall the survey that we circulated in advance of the Trans Rights Convening last year. These Recommendations will be the public-facing result of many discussions and dialogues.
We’d love to have as much attendance as possible at TLI Part Two so that you can share your input on the Recommendations and be part of the important discussions we will have to frame those Recommendations.
To that end, please fill out this When2Meet to help us select a date for TLI Part Two. Please fill it out by May 31st!