Due to a couple of cancellations we have openings in our cohort of attorneys to be admitted to the US Supreme Court bar in a ceremony to be held the morning of Dec. 6, 2023 before the full Court bench in Washington DC. If you would like to be part of the group – the minimum qualifications are that you have been admitted to practice for at least three years, be in good standing, fill out a simple application and get it to us ASAP. The one-time fee for admission to the US Supreme Court Bar is $200.00. The NTBA will provide the two sponsors needed to endorse the application.
Deadline: August 20, 2023
The application is at https://www.supremecourt.gov/bar/barapplication.pdf
Contact Kristen Browde, kpb@browdelaw.com before signing the form – there are a couple of tricks to it.